We have t-shirts available to purchase!
Zeitgeist San Diego T-shirts

We have t-shirts available to purchase!
Zeitgeist San Diego Planning committee meeting, November 20, 2018 In attendance: Vince, Sean, Matt Main Coordinator: Vince Alternate Coordinator: Sean General Coordinators: Ricky Treasurer: Don Secretary: Chris Event Coordinator: Vince Media/Tech: Matt
00:00 Music – Julia Sage, https://www.gigtown.com/artists/juliasage 05:44 Statement of Purpose – Vicente Lee, TZM San Diego 07:06 What is the Zeitgeist Movement? – Chris Carr, TZM San Diego 12:56 The Peace Economy – Anne Barron, War Tax Counselor https://nwtrcc.org/, Peace
RSVP on Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/tzmsandiego/events/248715679/ RSVP on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/211598209419065/ Come join us for Zeitgeist San Diego’s celebration of Z-Day 2018! Special Guest: Anne Barron from Women Occupy San Diego will give a talk on The Peace Economy. Our speakers include Sean McCrea and Vicente
Come to our Meetup event here: http://meetu.ps/e/DTnXk/1QR2t/d • What we’ll do Going to be hanging out at the park with a booth setup to talk with people about some of the concepts behind TZM and handout flyers. Also, going to