Zeitgeist San Diego
Planning committee meeting, November 20, 2018
In attendance: Vince, Sean, Matt

Main Coordinator: Vince
Alternate Coordinator: Sean
General Coordinators: Ricky
Treasurer: Don
Secretary: Chris

Event Coordinator: Vince
Media/Tech: Matt


  1. Open meeting activities Nov 30
    1. Short film: Talk by Rishi
    2. Brainstorm topics for discussion
      1. Current events
      2. Revisit NLRBE ideas
        1. Healthcare (pre-existing conditions)
        2. Pharma driving up costs with patents
        3. Would patents be needed in a collabaritve system
    3. Create meetup/FB post
  2. SD ZDay 2019 – March 29, 2019
    1. Speakers and topics ETA Dec 14
      1. Transition (Sean)
      2. competition vs cooperation (Vince)
      3. Introduction (???)
      4. ****Practice with previous spoken word****
      5. music artists (Vince to contact Victor)
    2. Promotion
      1. Flyers ETA Dec 15 (David)
      2. Radio plug KNSJ ETA Dec 14 (Sean)
      3. Like-minded groups
      4. Tabling
    3. Tech, food etc. ETA Feb 19
  3. Other project ideas/roles?
    1. Tabling
    2. Radio interview
    3. Group collaboration In/out of TZM
    4. Lestat’s
    5. Periodic email
    6. Guest speakers
    7. RBE game
    8. Figment event to put a booth
    9. Really free market
    10. Post notes after meeting to website


Possible youtube videos on RBE and current events
Work on message
Dec 8 brainstorming meeting 12-1

Planning meeting notes – Tue Nov 20, 2018

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